Containerized ice plant
Suez Advanced Solutions

15T flake ice

  • Mixing tank
  • Containerized ice plant
  • Flake ice


  • Ice pigging allows a cost saving, and is faster and more effective in the removal of sediment than other techniques

Recom has supplied a 15T Containerized ice plant in Italy for a new development of ice in the applications of Ice Pigging. Together with SUEZ Advanced Solutions UK, the exclusive developer of this technology, Recom provides a new sustainable cleaning solution. SUEZ uses Ice Pigging for the maintenance and cleaning of tanks, water supply pipes, sewerage and irrigation cleanings worldwide.

Ice Pigging is a highly effective and low risk pipe line cleaning technology. Just in the Netherlands there is about 117.000 kilometers of drinking water pipe lines, which they need to clean once in a while. With Ice Pigging a combination of water and flake ice is pumped into the pipe, which is forced along inside in order to remove sediments and unwanted deposits. It combines the benefits of the two traditional methods: flushing with water and forcing a solid object through the pipe, without any drawbacks. Recom’s ice machines are perfectly capable of producing the right type of ice for this technique. Most importantly, together with the customer we can engineer the perfect solution for every situation.

Want to know more about this cleaning technique?
Check this Video